Navigate our Materials & Setup FAQ for insights on the ideal materials for specific applications, understanding layer heights for detail or speed, and the nuances of SLA printing and nozzle choices for optimal results.

Materials & Setup FAQ

  • What material should I choose for outdoor applications?

    For outdoor applications, ASA is a great choice due to its UV resistance, which means it won’t degrade quickly when exposed to sunlight.

  • I need a 3D print that simulates the behavior of rubber. What material do you recommend?

    For SLA printing, consider using our Elastic 50A or Silicone 40A resins, as they mimic the properties of silicone and are suitable for applications requiring elasticity.

  • What are the differences among PA12-CF and PAHT-CF?

    Both of these materials have their own unique advantages:

    • PA12-CF: Offers excellent chemical resistance and high mechanical strength. Ideal for specialized engineering components.
    • PAHT-CF: Known for its high-temperature resistance in addition to its strength and stiffness. It’s often used in applications that demand performance at elevated temperatures.
  • I need a highly detailed model. What layer height should I use?

    With FDM printing, to achieve the finest details possible, go for a layer height of 0.08mm. SLA can achieve a much greater resolution, printing at a layer height of 0.025mm or 25 microns!

  • I'm in a hurry. What layer height will give me the quickest print time?

    For FDM printing, use a 0.24mm layer height for a quick print with a 0.4mm nozzle, or, for the absolute fastest we offer, a 0.42mm layer height with a 0.6mm nozzle.

    For a faster SLA print, choose a 0.160mm layer height. However, SLA is slow and requires post-processing: parts must be washed in agitated isopropyl alcohol and cured in a heated UV chamber before shipping.

  • What infill percentage should I use for a decorative piece?

    For items that don’t require structural strength, such as decorative pieces, an infill of 10-20% is generally sufficient.

  • What does it mean when you say that SLA printing is 100% isotropic?

    In SLA, the 3D printed parts are solid, making them isotropic, or uniform in all directions. This leads to higher strength and durability compared to FDM prints with low infill percentages.

  • I need to print large but non-detailed components quickly. What nozzle size should I use?

    For fast printing of large components, a 0.6mm nozzle size is recommended.